The Measure of Success

“The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”
1 Samuel 16:7b
God has placed me in a certain small group, not like a study group, more a social thing, that has given me a great glimpse into what He sees as important. Off and on over the years I’ve seen this but just recently a series of events has turned a spotlight on subject.
               Through my experience with this group I’ve come to know which people I can rely on and which ones I cannot, which ones will take responsibility and which ones will shirk. I like them all and find most of them fun to be around. If you asked me to rank them in terms of worldly success I would have a pretty clear picture. If you asked me which of them is closest to doing the will of God, the picture would get a little fuzzy, not because of who they are but because of a world/human view as opposed to a spiritual one. It’s hard to decide because on paper a few look pretty good and one or two are a bit sketchy.
               The other day I was asked to do a favor for someone not connected to the group. I was happy to do it but it was a bit beyond what I could handle alone. I asked the group for help and help came from the ones who seem most obvious to me as helpers but to the world might look a bit less accomplished to the rest of the world. I was right. They came through for me with flying colors and helped me achieve the goal. They did it without asking for recognition or applause, out of the kindness of their hearts. This is not to say the rest of the group is uncaring or inconsiderate. They just have different priorities. The ones that did help however, are the ones the rest of the crowd would hesitate to ask because they don’t appear to be big on follow through.
               Looking back at it today I realized that is what is meant by seeing the heart of a person. Are these detail people? No! Can they organize well? No. Are they prompt and efficient? No. Yet, they are always the first ones there when there is a true need. They may be late for the party, so to speak, but they are never late for the project. These are people who have disappointed and frustrated me on occasion but never when it’s been truly important.
               It warmed my heart to see this and made me realize that these people have hearts that are usually in the right place. It’s the execution of their own plans that derail them at times. God looks at our hearts. He sees our intentions and knows what is behind them. There was no desire to gain favor in the actions of my friends. Their behavior was motivated by a sincere desire to help and bless.
   On paper I don’t look like a great success but it is my intense desire to please, bless and glorify God and through this example I understand a little better that He knows that. He knows it even when I cannot follow through or simply don’t for some reason. He knows that I’m human and fallible but also devoted. God does not measure success as the world does. He measures it by our love for Him and our neighbor. The reminder of that blessed my heart and I hope it blesses yours as well.


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