First it’s sad. This poor woman! She’s
ill enough to risk touching a man, a strange man at that, which was unheard of
in that day. Plus she’s somehow dragged her weak body into the streets and
hustled her way close enough to touch, if not Him, at least His cloak. Your heart
has to break for her. For years I got migraine headaches. Due to the type of
migraine they came in a very cyclic pattern.
At the worst I was miserable for four straight days, unable to sleep or
eat and every movement caused excruciating pain. It was awful but I knew it
would end, at least for a few weeks I would have a break before the onslaught
of more pain. From what we know, this woman didn’t get any breaks. She was sick
for twelve long years. Sad.
Then there’s Jesus and this is the
part I love. It amazes and inspires me. In the same moment it bolsters my
faith, it also makes me question it. This woman had such great faith. She didn’t
need to be acknowledged by Jesus. She didn’t need or expect Him to stop and
have a long conversation with her to see if she deserved healing. She saw Him
as healing. If she could get close, she could get well. And she did! That’s not
all of it. Jesus stops, turns to His guys and asks who touched Him. Seriously?
They’re looking at the crowd, the multitude (love that word) and thinking, “Yeah
right, like we’re going to find that one person
who touched you.” Everybody was touching Him, grabbing at Him, wanting
something from Him but Jesus does find her, not that it matters. It wasn’t the
woman herself or her suffering that called to the heart of the Healer. It wasn’t
an earnest and well-spoken plea that compelled Him to grant her request. It was
her faith! There was no question in her mind that close proximity to Jesus
meant restored health. Wow!
That is where I question my own faith.
Why do I feel the need to plead my case, explaining the myriad reasons why I
need healing or help? Why don’t I just know that Jesus has my best interest at
heart? It’s a simple answer. It is because God’s ways and mine are different.
What God sees as best for me often isn’t what I want. Beyond that I rarely
understand why I get an answer that is or looks like a no. Oddly, that is where
my faith is bolstered. I may not get what I want or think I need but somehow in
the process of seeking His face for an answer I draw closer to Him. My faith is
not where the bleeding woman’s faith was but it’s stronger than it was a month
If times are hard for you right now
read this story, the whole story, in all three Gospels. I’ve barely scratched the
surface here of the miraculous nature of all that is going on. Then reach out
and touch Jesus. Something miraculous will happen, He promised.
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