

Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.
John 15:13

Who is your best friend? Is that an easy question for you? For me it is and it isn’t. I have two friends that are so dear to me that honestly I don’t know what I would do without either of them. The one has been my friend for many, many years, since we were ten years old. We live far apart now but that doesn’t stop us from sharing our lives, the ups, downs and quite frankly mundane and ridiculous as well. There is nothing that isn’t conversation fodder for us.

The other friend, I’ve known for about ten years but she is such a part of my daily life, such a blessing. I look forward to seeing her. We share things from the sublime to the ridiculous as well and like my other friend, she makes me smile, okay, laugh and just generally warms my heart.

Both of these ladies are constant, loving, loyal friends. I feel comfortable with them in any situation. I know that my heart is safe with them and I hope I offer them the same security.  In both cases I am quick and happy to pursue time to chat, to spend time together. I am blessed by their presence in my life. Truly there aren’t words to convey how important each of them is to me.

Who is your best friend? I just told you about my top two and I do dearly love them. The answer to who is truly my very dearest and best friend is Jesus. Even above my worldly top two girlfriends, even above my husband. But reading a message today about the kind of friend Jesus is to me, to you, to anyone who will accept him, I was taken back.
In our worldly friendship we tend to gravitate toward people who are good to us, who give us the things we want. (While I have received wonderful, sentimental and practical, expensive and not so much so, gifts from both of my dear ladies, that isn’t what I’m talking about.) We look for people who are like minded, who will give us support, love, encouragement. Sadly, some people look for friends who can give material gifts, opportunities, things of that nature.

Look at Jesus. He can give and does give us, any and every thing we need. And who pursues whom most of the time? He pursues us! Crazy right? If I knew a king in this world, a king who would happily supply all my needs and things I didn’t even know I wanted, I’d be on the phone, at his door, writing him sweet notes every single day. Not even to get more, but simply to acknowledge what had already been given.
It occurs to me that the emphasis in too many lives is on the wrong aspect. We, even those of us who are close, reverent and grateful, see God as a means to an end. He is but far, far, far more than that he is the end, the Alpha Omega.

Praise should flow from us without our even having to give it a thought. Friendship needs to be nurtured and appreciated. If it isn’t, it will fade away. In my two most important friendship I feel that I give almost as well as I get. It’s hard to say because they are so good to me that I wonder sometimes if I bless their lives as well.  In my relationship with Jesus I can never even begin to give in a measure that even vaguely resembles what he’s done for me. With Jesus there isn’t any gift that originates with me, as everything I have comes from him. (James 1:17)
Who is your best friend? Whatever your answer, be grateful for her/him but remember there is a friendship that surpasses all others and don’t neglect it.



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