Running to Your Arms
eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms. He will
drive out your enemy before you, saying, ‘Destroy him!’” Deuteronomy 33:27
I’ve never met this boy or even seen him before. He may be on fire for his Savior but as I supposed above, he might have a totally different motivator. For whatever reason I saw him as running straight to Jesus. Then my husband and I went into church.
As we sat waiting for the service to begin, watching the videos, hearing some church news I kept thinking of that boy, of the pure, unhindered joy on his face... Running!
Shouldn’t we all look like that as we approach our Savior?
If we’re in right relationship to Jesus, then he should be our nearest and
dearest friend.
It was Sunday morning. Sunday mornings are a paradox for
me. Some weeks I wake up and feel so joyful. It’s Sunday morning, which means
church. On those weeks my heart, if not my body, runs toward the worship, the fellowship
and the obvious presence of Jesus. Other
weeks I wake up with a heaviness I cannot explain, one that often starts during
the night as I attempt to sleep. Those
weeks I start some very directed prayers before I even leave the bed, in a way
that is not anywhere near running. My approach those mornings is more of a
parched castaway dragging myself toward the refreshment of the Holy Spirit. This particular morning was somewhere in the middle, an oddity as the extremes usually prevail. Seeing that boy changed my perspective. His joy, regardless of my lack of understanding thereof, sparked mine.
Then the service started. A few, very few compared to most weeks, musicians came out. Turned out they were visiting, filling in for our amazing worship team, a team that does not leave big shoes but huge, enormous snow boots to fill. My joy, I’m ashamed to say, lost a little glow. Then they began to sing. First one of my favorite songs, then another favorite but beyond that a message straight to my heart. It’s called “Forever Reign” and includes the words, “I’m running to your arms, I’m running to your arms. The riches of your love will always be enough.” Well, hello Jesus.
As we sang I saw that smiling boy in my mind and I saw him
as a precious example of how we can and maybe should, always approach Jesus. In
good times or bad, on the light mornings and the dark ones, when we feel it and
when we have to remind ourselves that we are beloved and saved, we need to RUN
to Jesus. We need to run, to fall into his embrace or at his feet. Everything
we could possibly need is there.
I speculated on the reasons the boy was running, a friend?
A treat? Tardiness? But the reason doesn’t matter. The boy’s friend might have
stayed home. The teacher may have forgotten the treats. His watch might have
been fast. It truly is unimportant. The destination is the only important
detail. When our destination is Jesus we will never, ever be disappointed. His
arms are open, waiting and everlasting.
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