Seek First

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well. Matthew 6:33

On Mother’s Day our pastor told a story about a little boy who just loved his kindergarten teacher. One day when his mom was volunteering at his school he fell and hurt his knee. In tears he headed toward the spot where both his mother and teacher were standing. The pastor left the child’s final destination as a question to illustrate his point about mothers and children. He left me with a different thought.
Picture the scene in your own life. You’ve “fallen.” You’re hurt, frightened or disappointed. Where do you run? Do you have an image in your head? Okay.

Now, picture your choice. Is it God? If it isn’t what is it? Picture God standing right beside the thing or the person you chose as your comfort zone. He’s waiting, arms open. Did you run right on by? Did you even glance His way?

What about a little while later? Everything in this world fades. Nothing is forever except for God’s love. If you ran to a person, they may well let you down, maybe not every time but at some point. If you ran to a thing it will certainly let you down. Do you doubt that? Ask any addict you know, they’ll tell you. Things are never enough.  People, even the best of them, and things, even really good things, are temporary solutions, temporary comforts.
God is eternal, ever-present, mighty to save. Think about this, He provided all those other comforts, friends, coffee, chocolate, books, movies, etc.  He is fine with us reaching for people and even for things as long as they come second to Him. He didn’t say seek me only. He said, seek me first.



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