
Showing posts from June, 2013

Seek First

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well. Matthew 6:33 On Mother’s Day our pastor told a story about a little boy who just loved his kindergarten teacher. One day when his mom was volunteering at his school he fell and hurt his knee. In tears he headed toward the spot where both his mother and teacher were standing. The pastor left the child’s final destination as a question to illustrate his point about mothers and children. He left me with a different thought. Picture the scene in your own life. You’ve “fallen.” You’re hurt, frightened or disappointed. Where do you run? Do you have an image in your head? Okay. Now, picture your choice. Is it God? If it isn’t what is it? Picture God standing right beside the thing or the person you chose as your comfort zone. He’s waiting, arms open. Did you run right on by? Did you even glance His way? What about a little while later? Everything in this world fades. Nothing is...

A Hairy Question

Indeed the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows. Luke 12:7 A few weeks ago I was listening to one of my favorite radio stations and heard the DJs two men and a woman, talking about a survey that the woman had read. The question asked was this, “If you could have perfect hair for the rest of your life, perfect hair, but you had to give up ten IQ points, would you do it?” My first thought was, uh, YES! All of my life I’ve had baby fine hair, the natural color of which is best described as mousy brown. Add to that the fact that my nearest and dearest friends were/are Greek and Italian with the accompanying big fat beautiful, flowing, darkly luxurious hair. Can see why I have hair issues? My IQ is pretty decent.   So, yes, I would trade. The next day I was telling two of my friends about it. Mostly, to get their reaction. They both have really nice hair. Their reactions were very different. One said yes, strange becaus...

No Fear

  Be strong and courageous; do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9b There are many Scripture that reference God’s love and care for us. We are encouraged as we read the Word, that we are not alone, we do not have to worry or have fear, that God is for us which means no one can come against us, and on and on. Now let me ask you this? Are you ever afraid? I know I am and sometimes it’s over stupid, ridiculous, they don’t much matter things. Today I saw something that made me think, made me proud and gave me a moment of awe. This morning in church I looked up and saw a very familiar face in the worship team. It was the face of the mother of one of my former students, a boy I dearly love. She is an amazingly sweet and thoughtful woman, the mother of two boys, one a second grader full of energy and a lot of his own sweetness and her older son, my former student who fits under the label of “special needs...