never fails.
now these three remain, faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is
love. 1 Corinthians 13: 8a, 13
we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him. Romans
A few weeks ago our daughter Laura and our son Jeffrey were talking about the songs he was planning to play at church. When he named one, a song loosely based on 1 Corinthians, she mentioned a different one. He told her no, not that one. That led them into a discussion of at least three different songs that use the words from Corinthians in some way. God’s love never fails. It remains and sustains.
Listening to my own selection of worship songs the other
day I noticed the second theme. Several
of the songs on my little device reference God working for the good of those
who love Him. That made me smile and reminded me that about a year ago I
noticed that a few of my favorite songs relied on Psalm 23.
Do you suppose these musicians and song writers get
together and pick themes? I do not. Yet, here they are. One year it’s Psalm 23,
the next it’s Corinthians and Romans. A few years ago I remember hearing the idea
behind the Hebrews boys in the book of Daniel in more than one or two songs.
The fiery furnace and the non-bowing stance were pretty popular musically. If
the musicians don’t get together and choose a theme how does it happen?
I don’t know for sure but my guess is that God has
something to say and He uses those people, the people who received His gift of
musical talent, to spread that particular portion of His Word. I do not think
it’s a coincidence.
God knows that we will hear the negative buzz words. He
knows that even the least political mind can be drawn into a conversation on
the rising price of gas, milk or produce. On the surface that doesn’t seem bad.
It’s true right? It may be but it denies the ability of God to provide for His
people regardless of the status of the world at large.
From the day I truly accepted the love of Jesus, I was
taught that if God takes the time to say something more than once I better pay
attention. Here are the current themes I’m hearing over and over in music, in
messages from preachers and in conversation with other believers. God has our
best interest at heart. He will work things for our good. His love never fails
and that one thing, the love of God remains, forever. Those are buzz words I don’t mind hearing over
and over again.
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