Children of the King
This morning reading about Jesus’ being his Father’s Beloved son and how because of that we can be called beloved, I was reminded of that story. Here are some details the golfer’s mother told my husband. Her son said that Will was very polite and carried himself with dignity that the golfer assumed came from being British and being military. Once he knew the other man’s identity our golfer was impressed with how unassuming Will was and how genuinely friendly. Apparently they shared some girlfriend issues and had chatted about that for quite awhile.
Today I thought about that in terms of how I carry myself as my Abba’s beloved daughter. I would like for people to say of me, that I was genuine, unassuming, pleasant and then attribute it to the deep security and warmth that comes from being the dearly loved daughter of the King.
Will did not flaunt his status. He hid it, not out of embarrassment but out of a desire to be accepted as a regular guy. I do not want to hide my status but neither do I want to flaunt it. I want it to be simply obvious. If I am truly the beloved child of God then it should show in my confidence, peace and joy. It should be obvious as Will’s breeding and manners were obvious to the golfer and it should be very attractive.
St. Francis said, “Speak the Gospel at all times and when necessary
use words.” Some people disagree with that because they feel that we should
always be proclaiming Jesus. I think that is exactly what St. Francis meant.
Open the conversation with your demeanor and attitude. Words are important. We
have to put our mouths where our faith is but first we have to demonstrate the
veracity and sincerity of those words, attract people with the grace that flows
to and through us.
Additionally there is the personal benefit of living in
that grace, confident of our place in the next world we can walk through this
one, secure, joyful and always humble. We are royalty in a way that earthly
royalty merely imitates. We are sons and daughters not of a king but of the King.
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