Let Blessings Flow
generous man will himself be blessed, because he shares his food with the poor.
Proverbs 22:9
there is forgiveness of sin, there is life and all blessedness. We do not
obtain forgiveness by good works, but through the forgiveness of sin come good
works.” Martin Luther
I don’t know if it’s because Thanksgiving is around the corner or because Christmas comes right behind
it, in any case I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about giving and forgiving
For awhile our enemy really tried to convince me that I
didn’t give out of the overflow of what God has given and continues to give to
me, but as a means to an end. Just as I
began to question my motives and look for guilt, (yes, look for guilt!) I read
this quote from Martin Luther. Oh! That’s right.
I love how perfectly and succinctly he puts it. We can give
and serve ourselves to exhaustion but that isn’t going to earn us any
forgiveness. Hello, the word is forgiveness!
But once we receive forgiveness a natural chain of events is to want to take
that grace and spread it around.
There is much debate, even among Christians about faith and
good works. There is an attitude in some circles that if you aren’t serving you
shouldn’t expect anything from God. For me that begs the question, have you met
God? Because He surely doesn’t operate that way, thankfully!
Doing something, anything, that we can call a “good work”
can serve a couple of purposes. It can lend one the decidedly erroneous impression
that one is earning salvation. It can also give one something to hold over the
head of others. “Well, I put in four days at that church! What did he do?” Yuck! If that makes us cringe….well, I can’t believe
it pleases God’s heart.
We are called the children of God, family. We are supposed
to love one another. That love shouldn’t be based on what someone is or is not
doing. It’s just supposed to be love, based on the example of our Father, a
free gift.
If hurting people hurt people, then shouldn’t it follow
that blessed people bless people?
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