New Creation

Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation;
the old has gone: the new has come.
2 Corinthians 5:17
The Scripture above is very special to me. I absolutely believe that it is true. I am privileged to live with a man who everyday, is evidence of the veracity of those words to me. It is my sincere hope that someone somewhere will see the truth of this verse in me. This verse really came to stay with me on Monday morning, when I received a very sad phone call. Since then this verse has gone over and over in my head.

Nine years ago I was blessed with a friendship that began almost immediately, grew incredibly fast and remains steadfast and precious today. The person who is the other half of that friendship is Charlene. Shortly after meeting her, I was introduced to her husband Clem, a sweet man of great integrity. I met a man who adored his wife, was crazy about his children, but first and foremost loved Jesus Christ and was only too happy to talk about him. Monday morning Char called to tell me that Clem had left us to go and be with our Father in heaven. That is when this verse began its refrain in my head.

In the getting to know you process Char shared some stories about her life with Clem and about his life before her and before Jesus. The man she spoke of bore no resemblance to the man I knew. A few years later I was sitting in an amusement park with Clem and Char when he shared some of his regrets about his life before Christ. It broke my heart to hear that dear sweet man’s voice break as he spoke to us. I could see how deeply he regretted the hurt that he had caused.

When we are young no one can make us understand how our actions will carry on into the future. Clem was living a selfish, sinful life; the kind of life that most people think cannot be changed. Those lives cannot be changed unless the person allows the healing love of God to change them. Unless one is truly humble before God, the change will not take place. Thankfully for all of us, Clem heard the call and answered in great humility.

The verse says “if anyone is in Christ.” We have to choose to join with Christ. We have to accept the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and live according to his purpose. Then behold, the old has gone. Clem was not living against his nature. He traded in his old, dirty tattered and torn nature for a bright, new beautiful nature, the nature of Jesus. (Phil. 2:6-11)

Some of the sin of Clem’s life has left slimy tracks like those left behind by snails. They cannot be erased. Some of them cannot be forgotten. Some have left tracks on innocent lives but none of that matters now. What does matter is that Clem saw a better life and reached for it. He made amends directly where he could and lived his new life serving God in a manner that brings another Scripture verse to my mind. “Well done good and faithful servant.” (Matthew 25:21)

That verse came to me as I began to pray for my sweet friend Charlene and her two precious children. I know that Char takes great comfort in knowing that Clem is home and as I thought of that it occurred to me that Clem has now heard those words that most of us hope to hear.

Today I attended Clem’s funeral service and heard both Scripture verses referenced over and over again. Clem personified the first, (2 Corinthians) and has received the second (Matthew 25:21). That tells me that Clem will live on, not just in our memories but as a shining example of what happens when a person truly submits to Christ. Today a few people shared stories of how Clem touched their lives and now in his name, they will reach out to others. And once again for Clem, the old, the tired, aching body has gone and the new perfect body has come.


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