I Wanna’ Go Home

In my Father’s house there are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. John14:2
The thief comes only to kill and to destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. John 10:10

While writing in my journal yesterday I mentioned to my Father how pleased I was to feel His presence even though the view lately has not been so nice. Everywhere I turn someone is hurting, someone is discussing the effects of the sad economy or the sorry state of our government. Even what I can physically see, empty buildings where businesses used to be, a loved one walking, barely and in great pain, and worst, people showing disrespect and lack of care to those to whom they should be showing concern and love. The view can be downright ugly. Then again it can be glorious.

As I was writing in my journal the image that flashed through my mind was one of incredible beauty. One day last week as I was driving to work a hawk flew across the front of my vehicle, literally inches away from me. It was amazing! The enormous bird came seemingly out of nowhere, although technically, I suppose out of the trees on the other side of the road. Suddenly there he was huge and breathtakingly beautiful. My first response was to be startled. That was quickly overtaken by awe. I drive down that road five days a week. I often see my favorite cardinals flying around and a couple of times I’ve seen deer but this was my first hawk sighting. The enormity and the wing span were marvelous. That is a tiny, tiny taste of the kind of awe inspiring reality waiting for us in heaven.

That reminded me of a student of ours at school who I will call Billy, in part because although it is not his name, he often calls himself Billy. Billy is a great kid. He’s a real kid and can be a bit annoying at times but he’s a funny little guy with a quiet husky voice. The first few months we knew him the one thing that we heard over and over was, “I wanna’ go home. I wanna’ go home.” Don’t picture a child screaming, “Mommy!” type of thing. Those words were spoken very quietly, in his deep voice, very deep for such a young, small boy. In fact sometimes you have to strain to make out what our dear Billy is saying and to this day it is often, “I wanna’ go home.” Well, Billy boy I can relate.

The contrast of the beauty of the hawk in flight to the suffering I had witnessed the day before while visiting with an ill friend make me “wanna’ go home” too. Our dear Father has promised us no tears, no suffering and no fear when we go home. At is very best this life is a weak imitation of what He has planned for us in Heaven. I love my life, even with the sometimes lousy view. I have a lovely husband, great kids and in-love kids, “perfect” grandchildren, a loving extended family, an amazing best friend, a nice church and a good job. My life is good here but it is going to be perfect when I get home. Billy anticipates that home is so much better than school that sometimes he misses out on fun while he’s with us. I want to enjoy every opportunity and bit of beauty that my Father affords me here but then…… "I wanna’ go home."


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