
We are hard pressed on every side but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted but not abandoned; struck down but not destroyed. 2 Corinthians 4:8-9

Life is hard and if we are to believe the pundits, it’s getting harder. Great! Lately even my most devoted Christian friends have sounded anxious. I’m tired of hearing the word economy! Budget, is pretty much on my ugh list too. Yes, there are problems in the world. My day job is in a public school. Trust me; I know there are real issues. Life gets hard when I focus on those issues and not on Scripture.

Yesterday I brought in my mail, ads and bills. Among all that delightfulness was some an information packet. It looked innocuous, even inviting, but to me it was a reminder of something that has become a casualty of the economy issue. It isn’t the end of the world, just a pinch of things that aren’t a part of my life anymore, things I enjoyed and very much wanted to keep but couldn’t. There was that second when I had the choice to feel sorry for myself or to remember what a good day my husband and I had and to be grateful. I chose the latter but don’t give me any credit for that. Give glory to God.

I know that my husband and I are not alone in this dilemma. Most people have had to rethink options, redo their budget or give some things up. I am grateful that we haven’t lost anything essential. Some of my friends have experienced much deeper loss. Here’s the bigger problem and I’ll quote my son Joseph, we’re “focusing on the wrong part of the story.”

Yesterday I may have been reminded of a hard decision but today I was reminded that I am a child of God. In reading 2 Corinthians 4, it became clear to me, once again, that I do have all the truly important things in life, first and foremost the love and mercy of my heavenly Father.

Is your life hard? Read 2 Corinthians 4. It begins with words about God’s mercy and ends with the promise that our troubles are temporary and tiny in comparison to the vast lavishness of eternal life. Midway through the chapter we read the contrast of how things appear and how they really are. We may be hard pressed but we are not crushed. Unless or until we do not receive the gift of eternal life in heaven, we are not defeated. As long as we give our needs and wants to God we will not be disappointed. Things may not happen the way we want them to happen but if we trust our Father and let Him have His way with us, we will have the best life here and there.

Sometimes our trials make no sense to us. We don’t understand why we can’t have what we want and have it when we want it. Please note I said, “We.” I question the “no” answers all the time. My prayers seem to be positive, things that would please God, be in His will but the answer is no. What? Like any child, I ask, “Why not?” I think the answer then is always the same. God knows better than I do what is right for me and for the people in my prayers. In times of heartbreak and frustration it is good to go to the Scriptures for truth and for comfort. I highly recommend starting with 2 Corinthians 4. Then see where else God takes you.


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