When I am afraid, I will trust in you. In God whose word I praise, In God I trust; I will not be afraid. What can mortal man do to me? Psalm 56: 3-4 This is what the Sovereign Lord, the Holy One of Israel says, “In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength, but you would have none of it.” Isaiah 30: 15 To Run Unhindered Straight To God There has been a lot of talk about trust in my world lately. Trust between friends, spouses, siblings, parents and kids. It seems that just about everyone has some reluctance to trust the people around him or her. I get that. It is hard for me to trust some people. It doesn’t help that I have trusted again after solemnly vowing not to, only to be hurt. People, no matter how well meaning, no matter how much they love you, no matter what relationship you have, people will let you down. That is not condemnation. I am not sitting in my lofty white tower writing to you about those darn people. If you are my spouse, child, friend, sibling or parent, you know I will let you down. I hope not often but it is going to happen. I am sorry. I wish that it weren’t true but it is. Once in awhile a little thing gets forgotten or overlooked no big deal but a pattern of broken promises becomes an issue. Our hearts get broken and if the pattern continues, they may become hardened. We then take that distorted view and apply it to God. Even if we’ve been fairly blessed in the trust department, if the people who populate our lives have been trustworthy, that standard still isn’t how we should measure our Father. Our Bible tells us God will never leave us or forsake us. No human being can promise that. It also says that he will forgive every time we ask him to and then forget the offense. No human being can promise that either. Well, I guess those promises could be made but they will almost surely be broken. Trusting God is an entirely different matter than trusting any human being regardless of relationship or proximity. God will never let you down. There is no selfishness in him. He wants what is best for you and he knows it way better than you or I do. I spelled it out above, trust, to run unhindered straight to God. Unhindered by guilt, fear, depression, anxiety, people, things, or money, we are light as air. Our feet firmly planted in the Gospel of the good news can take us straight into the arms of perfection. TRUST your Father. Run to him whenever for whatever. He won’t let you down. He promised.
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