Tearing Down the Strongholds

See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and basic principles of this world rather than on Christ.
Colossians 2:8

I fear that I am getting what I deserve. I don’t know this for sure but it seems very logical when I think about it. It’s one of those reaping what you sow things, the details of which aren’t terribly important. What is important is the lesson behind it. The lesson is wonderful. It’s amazing. The potential, if I learn it well, is beyond what I can imagine. It could truly free me to be a much better servant, much better child to my Father.

We read about strongholds and Asherah poles in the Old Testament. These are things that must be torn down and destroyed in order for God’s people to truly worship Him without obstacles. We are taught that we too have strongholds and our own forms of idols. That is what I think I may have stumbled upon in my own life. The crazy part is that it is nothing new. It isn’t a struggle that is unfamiliar to me. I’m just seeing it in a new light. The realization is hitting, and hitting hard, that I have sown some nasty weeds and those weeds are grown and trying to choke me. Meanwhile I would like the people around me to see nothing but flowers.

The question remains, can I chop those weeds down? Can do as I have been taught? Can I put God first, others second and myself last? Can I remember to love my neighbor and my enemy as well? I certainly hope so. There is just this huge stronghold, this giant obstacle in front of me. I need to heed the words of Paul to the Corinthians and chase after the crown that lasts forever rather than a temporary one made of garbage. (1 Corinthians 9:24-27)

The hard part is that doesn’t happen overnight. I have been in a close relationship with Jesus for over thirty years and tonight I am sick and tired of this particular sin. Scott Krippayne has a song called “All of Me” in which he references, “my favorite sins.” That may sound insane, a favorite sin, but we all have them. It’s mostly likely the thing we defend by prefacing any reference to it with a phrase like, “well, that’s just how I am.” Perhaps, but it isn’t who we ought to be.

Tonight I sit determined to change. That’s great except I have been determined to change this so many times before. I can only hope that this time I will allow God to reign in me. I hope that I will accept the sufficiency of His grace and lean on that when I would prefer to choose my sin. His grace is more than enough but if I ignore that gift it does me no good.


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