Acknowledge God

And you, my son Solomon, acknowledge the God of your father and serve him with wholehearted devotion and with a willing mind, for the Lord searches every heart and understands every motive behind the thoughts. If you seek him, he will be found by you; but if you forsake him, he will reject you forever. 1 Chronicles 28:9
The other day I was in a meeting where the question was asked, “Do you feel insecure about your situation [job]?” And answered by the same voice, “You should.” These words were spoken, not in an attempt to intimidate the listeners but to educate them. There are changes occurring of which the speaker wanted the attendees to be aware. I was an attendee. The changes to which the speaker referred do not directly concern me, yet, but it is likely that they will before too long. I looked around at the people in the room and I saw insecurity on most faces. At that point I gave myself a little mental pinch. No, I wasn’t feeling insecure. My first thought was that I wasn’t taking the speaker seriously enough but I very quickly realized that was not the case.

The truth is that what she was referencing does not have a direct impact on me at this moment. The bigger truth is that my situation is most likely far less secure. I am truly a low man on the totem pole. My co-workers and I have already felt a deeper sting than those higher on the food chain. So, why wasn’t this unnerving to me? That answer lies in the biggest truth, Truth with a capital T. No one, no law, no change, no challenge, no directive, can defeat me because Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior.

They can whittle my job away. They can snip at it or downright chop it in half. They can even make it disappear completely but they cannot destroy me. My hope is not in my employment. The paychecks are much needed and I am very grateful to receive them. My work environment is pleasant and I have great companions there. However, at the end of the day it is a job.
All of these dire warnings come just a meeting or two after the meeting where we were told we cannot participate in any outwardly religious activity. To do so is to risk our employment as well as open ourselves up to legal action. To quote my younger friends, whatever!

It seems fairly obvious to me. If I stand for my Lord, He will protect me. If I accept the directive of some mortal man and hide my faith to keep peace I may not be able to count on God’s protection. We all balk at Peter’s flat out denial of knowing Jesus.( Matthew 26:69-75) The truth is too many of us are guilty of the same thing. I’ve heard, “well, they can’t control what I believe.” So what? We are called to do more than believe. We are called to make disciples of all nations. (Matthew 28:19-20)

The call is very clear to me. This is the day I have to choose to trust Jesus or to put my hope in man. It is very obvious to me which path to take. I pray that my path is crowded with other believers who see it the same way.


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