By faith Jacob, when he was dying, blessed each of the sons of Joseph and he worshipped, leaning on the top of his staff. Hebrews 11:21 Just a few minutes ago I read this quote as part of a devotional message. The author of that message leaned pretty heavily on the idea of heritage and how important it was to Jacob’s sons and grandsons. That made me smile because just yesterday afternoon my grandson Joey was talking to me about heritage. We were in the kitchen and Joey was baking brownies for the first time. I was talking him through the steps and told him that the recipe he was using came from his great-grandmother. “It was my mom’s recipe first.” I told him. “Now that you are using it you’re the fourth generation on this same recipe.” He grinned at me and said, “So it’s like heritage.” Yes, precious boy, it’s like heritage. I am happy to pass on recipes, old family traditions and home remedies to my children and grandchil...