Gram’s House
How priceless is your unfailing love, O God! People take refuge in the shadow of your wings. Psalm 36:7 When it comes to spiritual gifts I would tell you that I have no gift for evangelism. Any spiritual assessment I’ve ever taken has backed up that belief. In the traditional door knocking, Roman Roading sense, I am not, not, not an evangelist. I’m an encourager, a hostess, the support team, if you will. In the assessment this is lumped under exhortation. I’m not fond of the word but I like the ideas behind it. Earlier today while reading an excellent book about growing more like God I came across a scene that gave me a new perspective. The author was talking about standing near the Father, being close to Him, at home with Him, welcoming others back to or into fellowship with God. That reminded me of one of my favorite childhood experiences. Growing up my absolute favorite person in the entire world was my Gram. She was so dear to me that spending...